No.803 ,Zhide Road, Dezhou, China. – 激光 – 中国 - 非洲 | +86-534-2530008 | | |
激光 (中国 - 非洲) - 布里奇敦 (巴巴多斯) | 激光 (中国 - 非洲) - 阿卡普尔科 (墨西哥) |
激光 (中国 - 非洲) - 罗索 (多米尼加) | 激光 (中国 - 非洲) - 埃斯昆特拉 (危地马拉) |
激光 (中国 - 非洲) - 贝尔莫潘 (伯利兹) | 激光 (中国 - 非洲) - 金士顿 (牙买加) |
激光 (中国 - 非洲) - 自由港 (巴哈马) | 激光 (中国 - 非洲) - 卡馬圭 (古巴) |
激光 (中国 - 非洲) - 圣约翰 (安提瓜和巴布达) | 激光 (中国 - 非洲) - 乔治城 (开曼群岛) |
激光 (中国 - 非洲) - 山谷 (鳗鱼) | 激光 (中国 - 非洲) - 圣地亚哥 (多米尼加共和国) |
激光 (中国 - 非洲) - 拉塞瓦 (洪都拉斯) | 激光 (中国 - 非洲) - 道镇 (英属维尔京群岛) |
激光 (中国 - 非洲) - 阿拉胡埃拉 (哥斯达黎加) | 激光 (中国 - 非洲) - 哈密尔顿 (百慕大) |
激光 (中国 - 非洲) - 圣萨尔瓦多 (萨尔瓦多) | 激光 (中国 - 非洲) - 圣乔治 (格拉纳达) |
激光 (中国 - 非洲) - 法兰西堡 (马提尼克) | 激光 (中国 - 非洲) - 波多黎各王子 (海地) |
激光 (中国 - 非洲) - 巴斯特尔 (瓜德罗普岛) |
Clout Nails for Roofing Uses: Shingle Nails, Felt Nails, available in Copper, Aluminum etc.
Clout nails are a kind of large head roofing nails. Also known as shingle nails or felt nails. We supply clout nails in copper and aluminum material, also copper disc rivets, aluminum tile pegs, copper slate straps and slate hooks for roofing construction and boat construction uses. Copper and aluminum nails are mainly used for securing slate roof tiles on houses.
Copper Clout Nails for Boat Construction
Clout nails in cu are often used with copper washers, to create a traditional copper rivet, similar to clinch or clench nailing. Copper rivets are often utilized in classic planked wooden boat construction. The sheathing nails have a large clout-like head (around 8mm) and a short round smooth shank.
The large head design makes copper nails ideal for fastening copper sheet to the hulls of boats. The large head nails holds the sheet well and the smooth shank means that the nail can be removed easily and without causing hull damage when the materials eventually needs replacing.